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  • 😬 Entry roles in Sport or Media anyone?

😬 Entry roles in Sport or Media anyone?

You could ignore this email OR....

“Tobi - how can I get into X industry without any experience?”

I get this question all the time.

And I could give so much advice in response.

But what’s better than advice is opportunity.

Specifically entry-level opportunities with employers who actually care about diversity and inclusion.

So that’s why you’re finding out first about roles like these unreal Internships in London with Formula E starting this October.

But that’s only so helpful - what you really need to know is: are these employers right for me? how do I get these jobs? how do I do well when I get there?

So we also host online Meet The Employer events to answer those questions and we’ve got two coming up that you should attend.

1️⃣ Lessons From My First Internship RSVP

Hear from 3 interns about their experiences and advice on how you can land and thrive in your very first internship.

2️⃣ Formula E Internship Careers Event RSVP

Finally, learn how to break into the Sports industry and what life is like at Formula E

P.s The community members that generally do the best in application processes are the ones who take the time to join these live sessions

(P.S. check out all of our upcoming events here👇🏾)

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